7 Principles of Successful Investing
7 Principles of Successful Investing
An online course that will change your investing for good.
DIY investors have never had the tools to invest like the pros…until now.
10 days for less than 30 minutes a day, and you’ll have the technology and know-how to build a portfolio like hedge-fund billionaires.
This online course and app will put you 10 years ahead of even seasoned investors and on the road to building long-term wealth.

Is this course right for you?
If you can say yes to these questions, you’ll fit in with the community of investors I’m building.
- Do you want to be more autonomous and make your own decisions about how to invest your money?
- Are you wary of get-rich-quick schemes?
- Does buying a lottery ticket or going to a casino seem like a flawed plan for retirement or any long-term financial aspirations?
- Do you already invest in the stock market, crypto, gold, or silver and want better results, OR do you want to start investing in the stock market but don’t know where to start?
- Your money is your voice. Does investing in something you believe in resonate with you?
- Do you want to be part of a supportive community that will help you succeed?
- Do you want to be one of the first people to use my new app that puts the tools Wall Street pros use in the hands of DIY investors for the first time ever? For FREE?
What people are saying
I'm leaving feeling like I can do this! So much progress in just two weeks.
7 Principles of Successful Investing
A new way to invest... that's not a new way to invest
In this two-week course, I'll give you proven strategies and tools that will help you become a more successful investor, including FREE access to my new app.
No gimmicks. No confetti or bells and whistles. Just sound investing principles based on decades of research and experience.
We’ll take it one day at a time, step by step: two weeks, less than 30 minutes a day, with recorded lessons available at your convenience.
What people are saying
After this course, I can invest for myself, and not rely on others to do it for me.
An investing course like no other
Some things you'll learn:
- How emotions sabotage your investing – how to fix that
- Billionaire investors manage risk, and you should, too
- The importance of believing in what you buy
Computer and internet connection
30 minutes (or less) a day (M-Th) for two weeks (recorded lessons available at your convenience)
A desire to take control of your finances
A healthy distrust of get-rich-quick schemes
Not required:
A degree in finance
Previous investing success or failure
What people are saying
Dr. Richard Smith’s investment framework helped me build a solid portfolio by removing emotion and avoiding unnecessary risk.
The course
7 Principles + 1 Brand-New App
In just two weeks, learn to maximize your returns and minimize your risk like the pros. I’ll show you how to build habits that take most investors 10+ years to develop. In less than 30 minutes a day!
Here's what we'll cover:
- Your behavior matters: Every investor is susceptible to behavioral biases that lead to making mistakes. The first thing ALL investors need to master is how to manage their emotions. Learn about self-defeating behaviors and how you can avoid them.
- What kind of investor you are: What stocks should you invest in? Should you invest in crypto, gold, or silver? There’s not a right answer. There’s only what’s right for you. You’ll take a risk assessment test that will help you determine your risk tolerance and the optimum time period to hold your investments.
- Good and uncorrelated: Billionaire hedge-fund manager Ray Dalio says the holy grail of investing is 15 to 20 good, uncorrelated revenue streams. Together, we’re going to build a holy grail portfolio. And by the end of the course, you’ll be able to start building your own.
- Your money is your voice: One of the many ways you can manage self-defeating emotions like fear and greed is to tap into positive emotions like passion and enthusiasm. When you invest, you’re supporting a vision, an idea, a product. Invest in things you believe in.
- Reimagining risk: In mathematics, risk is defined as dispersion, or a range of possibilities. Likewise, in investing, risk is a range of possible returns. You are going to learn how to create a risk budget and how to spend that budget to maximize rewards.
- Fight the noise: In any given news cycle, you can be scared off of investing forever or convinced you have to put everything into crypto NOW. If your heart is pounding and you feel like you have to do something right away, turn off and tune out.
- Technology for good: The technology I’ve built takes the complicated math and algorithms used by billionaire hedge-fund managers and puts it in the hands of retail investors – for the First. Time. Ever. You will be invited to be among the first beta users of my app, for FREE.

What people are saying
With the first principle of knowing myself and what kind of risk I can tolerate gave me the confidence to take initiative to learn how to put together a portfolio.
Here’s what it costs
You don’t need billions to invest like a billionaire
*Enrollment ends on Oct. 18.
**Recorded lessons are less than 30 minutes each and available to watch as your schedule will allow.
***Upon course completion, you will receive an official invitation to use the app, which makes application of the course curriculum even easier and faster.

Why my approach to investing works
- All the successful investors use the strategies in my course. In fact, no professional investor would dream of making investing decisions without these strategies.
- I have a brand-new app that helps you employ these strategies. If you finish the course, you will be invited to be one of the very first beta users of this new technology, for FREE.
- I’ve distilled decades of personal experience as a successful investor and fintech developer and the experience of the world's greatest investors down to eight lessons (less than 30 minutes each) that are manageable and within the grasp of anyone, regardless of age, income, and experience.
- Integrity. I’m so sure you’re going to think this course and the brand-new app are worth every penny and more that, if you don’t, you’ll get your money back. All of it. No hassles. No negotiations.
What people are saying
The confidence I have now is astounding. I am so excited to begin truly building a portfolio to be proud of and that actually brings in revenue.
What is it worth to you to:
- Feel confident investing your own money… regardless of your profession and how good at math you were in high school.
- Understand what information you need… and recognize scams, clickbait, hidden agendas, and risks that offer no rewards.
- Have technology that works for you… instead of technology that collects your data and manipulates your decision-making.
- Sleep at night… and stop obsessing about crypto volatility or what price Tesla is today; stop checking the news constantly; stop worrying about your future.
- Have a voice in the markets… and put your money into companies and assets you believe will make the world a better place.

Who is this guy?
Ok, you’ve made it this far! You may be wondering, “What’s in it for you, Dr. Smith? Surely you aren’t just here to help me!”
Stay with me, here, because this may sound weird in today’s world.
I’m actually in it to help you.
I'm not going to sell your data (as in, never ever), and I’m not going to use your data to try to sell you anything.
If I want to be successful, my course has to be good, and my technology has to help you. That’s it. Literally, the ONLY way I can succeed is if you succeed.
Why? Because I’ve always wanted to help other DIY investors. I’ve spent the last 25 years helping tens of thousands of investors make better investment decisions.
Now, I’m building next-generation financial technology and providing great education for independent-minded individuals who are committed to succeeding on their own.
You’re going to be blown away when you take this course and use my new app. I’m so sure of it that if you don’t think this is worth every penny and more, you’ll get your money back. No hassles. No negotiations.
What people are saying
Richard is by far and away the most ethical, intelligent, creative, and insightful individual I have ever known in the business of investing.
7 Principles of Successful Investing
Learn to invest like the pros and get on the road to building long-term wealth!
*Enrollment ends on Oct. 18.
**Recorded lessons are less than 30 minutes each and available to watch as your schedule will allow.
***Upon course completion, you will receive an official invitation to use the app, which makes application of the course curriculum even easier and faster.

We’re so confident that your knowledge and understanding of investing will increase after 7 Principles of Successful Investing that you’ll get your money back if you take the course and use the app and don’t think it was worth every penny, and more! Unyielding integrity is one of our core values, so this is an iron-clad guarantee.
If you’re not satisfied, contact us at hello@drrichardsmith.com within 30 days of the course starting date and request a refund. It’s that simple!